things that really make me cross…

I hate lies – have a family member who wrecked life for so many of us by weaving a lifelong web. I HATE lies

I get very angry with people who assume that all disabilities are visible and involve a stick or another visual clue.

I get very upset – upset putting it very mildly with unfairness. Specially so in the case of unfairness in health , education, mental health, benefits provision. Where the system relies on the I AM and you wouldn’t challenge me apartheid system that they hide behind. The nice folks who get walked on, as they assume fairness and decent provision is in place…

Bullying in any shape or form is unforgivable. Have watched it all my life.
The power play of an abusive relationship
The teacher who methodically makes life difficult for the few.
The group of bitches excluding the quiet girl.
The choreographer who has her obvious favorites!
The shop assistant who humphs audibly when the old lady asks her to count the change out to pay for her magazine
I DESPISE all these – and when I see it, I get involved….

It really annoys me when someone interrupts conversation as they weren’t listening anyhow- just waiting for time to get their spake in.

Friends who aren’t really there for you. Need be categorised as so…still ok company but not true friends.

People who allow their children to be rude. To speak rudely and not answer properly and politely to adults!

Hidden agendas. I like to know WHAT is going on. Don’t want to be bullshitted or dripfed information. Be direct, be honest and then we know what we are facing.

Bigoted, hard people. Racists . Anti -disability. ….any judgemental narrow minded, subsection of society. We are too informed today, too educated that this should be allowed to exist.

The real bane of my life is that while nice decent folks go along minding their business, dealing with all the crap that life seems to lob at them with great force. Then there are the bad people. The ones who walk along damaging people, lying, robbing the system, who NEVER seem to get “what they deserve” as the saying goes. That is the ultimate injustice.

I do my best, with crap health, try to be a good friend, try to do what I can, sont milk the system….but am I any better off? NO! If I lied, bullshitted I could lift money from state, get legal cover and frankly live very comfortably off the taxes I pay….


I hope there’s a heaven!


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