rare disease awareness- my story

RARE diseases. …. MY STORYfor Rare Disease awareness Day

chiari malformation.
an umbrella of devastating life changes in a name.

central hypoventilation syndrome

brain surgeries

meningitis TWICE now.

neuropathic autonomic nervous system problems…organ systems …one at a time
for ME the impact of a rare disease meant:

  • years of no diagnosis
  • strange disconnected symptoms
  • very few specialists available
  • very little FUNDING
  • long waiting lists
  • no cures developed so just treatment for symptoms
  • LOTS of symptoms…and they layer on one a time.
  • new specialists involved.
  • more testing.
  • more appointments
  • more waiting
  • like an endurance test – of emotional strength V physical pain
  • more medication.
  • it is a degenerative condition.
  • less energy and more fatigue
  • fatigue is incredible….
  • NOBODY to compare symptoms with as no 2 patients have same range of complications

in the past 15 years i have gone from a fairly capable teacher to a disabled person who can knit a bit.

One who has musical ability but little use of her legs.

Whose brain forgets to breathe at night, yet i can SING – and enjoy that.

when both eyes work …but not as a pair…. it is rare.

when most orgam sytems in your body do their own thing… it is lonely.

A Helen who maybe awake but constantly medicating.

who lurches from appointments to waiting lists…..with no real clue….

– but one who is ALIVE!?


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