The disease of medication.

the disease of medication.

at least i have a brain

Medication is a stop and block tool.

A tool to lessen the symptoms of a conditions.

Sometimes the only tool to save lives.

Medications are not without Side-effects and should be used until not needed. Monitored and if possible phased out.

Then the medical conditions caused and blamed on medication arrive. How are they treated? Patch up and off you go? But on that meds in so many cases.

When medication becomes polypharmacy the problems interact with each other and the likelihood that that mess will be untangled is slim to zero.

Then organs struggle.

Conditions develop. one after the other. and medication cited as cause. But who does care enough to look at this human eroding organ by organ erode and actually die to over-medication ignored for decades.

If i were a drug addict i would get cleaned out and treated for the harm caused to my body. Support…

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