why is “sorry” such a hard word.

there is a boss in every class

the cool one

they don’t change

they don’t get challenged.

you remember them from school?

i do!…from my class.

i kept away.

i would have been a compliant child

did what i was told to and should do

and kept out of trouble …others

but i remember my schooldays.

there was ALWAYS one who feels an entitlement…

to be in charge…

to call the shots…

BUT it isn’t always right!

It can lead to being cruel

being a bully…

and bullying is ugly

you hurt people

you know that you do.

the bully generally creates a gang to join them

talk in loud whispers widely

nudges and sniggers

gather momentum

but you KNOW inside

you KNOW you were wrong.


So what do you do when you are old enough and strong enough to recognise bullying?

  • stand high and hope the crowd believe you
  • divide the “group” gang momentum
  • behave like an ugly. selfish person?
  • call a spade a spade
  • challenge the behaviour
  • begin the end of the team?
  • toss it completely?
  • or SAY SORRY?
  • imagine the feeling of RELEASE?

but then you have dug yourself into a trench so deep there IS no recovery without losing face!

Why is SORRY such a tough option??


it is certainly more attractive than being self-righteous and deliberately hurtful. you are wrong when you are wrong.

But only a strong person can SEE that and ADMIT that!

and YOU will wait til you have lost them all….

and then try clearing your conscience…



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